Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sex Suds Submission Fight Soap Shirts

Yup, we got some new Fight Soap shirts for sale too! If you do MMA, BJJ, Wrestling, Muay Thai, skate, or whatever kick ass activity you're into, these make perfect workout shirts. Grab one while you can!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sgt.Sexy is Back!

We're proud to announce that Sgt.Sexy Fight Soap is back in a limited edition package. We improved the original formula by adding some of our specially-treated loofah bits as an exfoliant. This is the first release that features original Fight Soap Girl art both on the cover label, and in a super naughty sticker inside each pack. This is exclusively available at the online store. Grab one while you can!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Anti-Gravity Technology Is Upon Us!

Not really. But if you look at this photo sideways, you'll get a glimpse of this sick Fight Soap collab we're doing with paracord experts Para Patriot. The soap bar is already going through a few modifications prior to release, but at least you get an awesome preview of things to come.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fight Soap Epic Giveaway Preview

To show our appreciation for all the support you guys have given us, we've decided to give out a custom Fight Soap Casio G Shock watch and matching paracord bracelet. The street value of the prize package is around $300, and could all be yours without spending a dime. This baller status giveaway was made possible by our allies at Reel 2 Reel custom watches, and Para Patriot paracord gear. Stay tuned for more details homies, this is something you wouldn't want to miss!

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sgt Sexy Fight Soap is Getting Sexier

We've just finished setting up the studio for today's photo shoot that marks the massive remix of the Sgt Sexy Fight Soap. Sgt Sexy was a limited edition Fight Soap that we released a few summers ago. It proved to be a very popular scent that we felt needed an upgrade before it gets out into the wild again. Without giving away too much, the new release will be an homage to the iconic nose art of WWII Fighter planes, with a nod to the work of legendary pinup artist Vargas. It'll be the edgiest and most daring project we've ever undertaken. Can't wait for the model to get here so we can get this bad boy started. Stay tuned homies.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sexy Fight Soap Girl Bri Doesn't Like Ringworm

If you've been following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter you would have seen the latest addition to our Fight Soap Girl Squad. Homies, meet Bri. She doesn't like ringworm on fighters, so make sure your good hygiene game is on point. See more of her on any of our Fight Soap social media sites.

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sexy Blonde Fight Soap Girl Emily in BJJ Mode

We are working overtime to get more blondes in the FSG Squadron. Here's Fight Soap Girl Emily for ya, rocking the K2 BJJ kimono and Elevation Training Mask shirt. Enjoy!

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Friday, August 17, 2012


Mesmo sendo uma pequena empresa, temos recebido inúmeras propostas de pedidos de patrocínios. De competidores de MMA até BJJ, de amadores até lutadores profissionais de grande nome, chegam-nos pedidos de quase todos na indústria. Nós declinamos muitas destas propostas.

Não é pessoal, não tem nada a ver com suas habilidades como lutador, nem sequer tem nada a ver com o evento (nós já recusámos lutadores que participam em eventos do UFC e Strikeforce). É que 99% dos lutadores que se aproximam de nós simplesmente não têm o que é preciso para promover o nosso pequeno negócio de forma eficaz.

A promoção de uma marca exige muito mais do que exibir um logótipo em seus calções ou banners. Precisa de provas? Diga o nome de uma empresa que patrocinou um dos seus lutadores locais em um pequeno evento de MMA recente. Foi provavelmente uma pequena empresa de vestuário, cujo nome você mal se pode lembrar. Aposto que você nem sequer se lembra como eram as garotas do ringue.

Empresas como nós precisam de combatentes para ser marqueteiros de marcas que criam o desejo nas pessoas de comprarem nossos produtos.

Então como é que um lutador se tornar um comerciante eficaz? Com o uso inteligente das mídias sociais, é realmente mais fácil se tornar um. Aqui está o que você precisa:

Redes Sociais

Facebook ou Twitter ou Orkut ou Friendster (se você é dessa maneira antiquado) ou qualquer outra mídia social que seja a quentura do momento. Você PRECISA ter uma conta de mídia social. Não há ses, mas ou desculpas para não ter uma. Ela é tão importante quanto o ar que você respira, neste dia de hoje.

Esta é a mais maneira mais económica, mais rápida e mais eficaz de promover seus patrocinadores atuais e até mesmo de atrair mais patrocinadores. Aprenda a usá-la bem e faça questão de atualizá-la regularmente. Torne-se uma prostituta do facebook. Se alguém disser alguma coisa sobre isso, grite no seu rabo. Faz parte de seu trabalho. Um dia você estará fazendo isso até mesmo como campeão do mundo e isso pode muito bem começar agora.

Base de Fãs

Você precisa construir a sua base de fãs. Se você é um lutador altamente qualificado destinado à grandeza, você deve desenvolver uma base de fãs, agora. Use sua conta de mídia social para conseguir juntar todos os fãs e obter um número sólido de amigos, fãs ou seguidores.

Quanto maior o número, melhor. Concentre-se em adicionar pessoas à sua lista de amigos que você acha que teriam maior probabilidade de comprar os produtos de seus patrocinadores. Sinta-se livre para perguntar ao seu patrocinador qual é o seu "público-alvo", que é apenas uma palavra chique para os babacas que são mais propensos a comprar seus produtos. Os patrocinadores preferem lutadores que, com o clique de um botão, podem enviar uma mensagem para promover o produto de imediato, para dezenas de milhares de pessoas (ao invés de apenas os 20 membros da família).

Se esta mensagem é enviada muitas vezes, as pessoas se tornam zumbis por lavagem cerebral, que anseiam por um produto ou serviço que a empresa vende. O dinheiro das vendas é o que mantém você patrocinado.


Você tem de ser um fanático do produto que você patrocina a venda. Promova-o todos os dias. Diga a seus fãs o quão maravilhoso ele é. Publique fotos de você utilizando ou usando os produtos no Facebook e no Twitter. Até mesmo fotos de celular são muito boas. Faça o que for necessário para encontrar uma razão para promover o produto para seus fãs, seja verbalmente ou visualmente.

É muito fácil e demora apenas alguns minutos do seu dia atualizar a mídia social. Faça isso na vida real bem como na academia ou nos eventos em que participa. Isto é o que se trata no verdadeiro marketing e nas promoções. Se você não se revê a si mesmo fazendo isso, então você não tem negócio que represente a marca. Lembre-se que você está sendo pago (em dinheiro ou em espécie) para fazer esse trabalho, e que se espera que faça isso bem feito.

Se você acha que está praticamente entregando a sua alma ao diabo, sim você está. Agora você faz parte da empresa e é uma das pessoas-chave responsáveis ​​por fazê-la crescer. Isto é algo que muitos lutadores não percebem. Isso não se resume a ganhar camisas gratuitas e obter o direito de se gabar de estar "sendo patrocinado".

Se você não pode fazer isso, outro lutador irá. As pequenas empresas precisam de ativos e não de despesas. Se você não nos faz dinheiro, então você não tem direito a nada. Se não podemos vender, não vamos ganhar dinheiro suficiente para continuar patrocinando você. Vamos escolher lutadores que têm menos do que os registros estelares de luta, mas que até podem vender sorvetes a um esquimó, em um qualquer dia.

Ao solicitar um patrocínio, não fale tudo sobre você, suas necessidades e o que você precisa dos patrocinadores. Não tenha medo de perguntar aos patrocinadores o que eles precisam de você para terem uma empresa bem-sucedida. É uma das melhores perguntas que você lhes pode sempre perguntar. Boa sorte rapazes!

Bon Cacho é VP de Operações e co-fundador da Fight Soap (, uma pequena empresa que fabrica uma linha muito popular de produtos de higiene de combate.

Original English Article:

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Custom Ammo Soap for Garage Inc

We made this kick ass Fight Soap for celebrity bike and car builder Austin Weiss of Garage Inc down in Florida. Austin does some really cool builds and fabricates cutting edge parts from scratch, so we wanted to make him a couple of soap bars that reflected what he does. One thing we noticed is that Austin loves custom gear, including some really nice firearms. This is why his custom soap has AR bullets in them. We had to painstakingly position each bullet by hand to give them that nice random pattern you see in the photos. The formula has nothing but top shelf ingredients including monoi butter, sea buckthorn oil, and guava leaf extract. Austin loved minty spa scents, so we mixed up a really fresh scent for him.

Enjoyed every minute of making these bars for Austin, despite the hard work and precision involved. Want something done up like this? Feel free to shoot us an email and lets do it!

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

The Fight Soap Skateboard

If you're a follower of either our Facebook page or Instagram accounts, chances are you've seen pics of this uber rad Fight Soap skateboard deck we had made. Right now we have the trucks and wheels all bolted up, and should be unveiled to the world really soon. What does a skateboard have to do with Fight Soap, or BJJ, or Muay Thai, or MMA, or whatever form of pugilism you fancy? It's simple really. A lot of us used to be thrashers, and it helped us gain good balance which is always a plus for fighting.

Oh, and BJJ Grappler superstar Marcelo Garcia skates too, as shown in this video found by our homies at DSTRYRsg:

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sexy Fight Soap Girl Jenna

Just realized that we weren't able to post pics of the recent photo shoot we've done with some of the hottest girls rocking a BJJ gi. So here's a very popular shot of Fight Soap Girl Jenna in a K2 Kimono and a shirt courtesy of Elevation Training Mask:

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fight Gear Spray and Body Armor Foam is great for kayakers too!

Spent the weekend kayaking with friends. We were lucky to get some cloud cover for most of the trip. Fight Soap Fight Gear Spray came in handy for freshening up gear like vests, hats, and water socks. The spray also kept Mosquitos away since it has an essential oil used as an insect repellant. Fight Soap Body Armor foam was great for cleaning up after getting out of the water. Just wanted to show you guys the many uses of our products outside of MMA or even BJJ. Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend as much as we did!

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fight Soap Girl Throwback: Christine Briana

Here's one of the earlier Fight Soap Girl shoots that we did featuring Christine. Highlights of this shoot include getting questioned by cops, and our main photography lights failing. Other shots of her from this shoot involved MMA gloves and shorts as opposed to the BJJ kimonos you see on the current girls.

Christine Briana

Hope to shoot with her again. Got any ideas for FSG shoots? Feel free to let us know homies.

Join the Fight Soap Social Media Posse:
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Irezumi Fight Soap Sets A New Standard

Irezumi in ancient Japanese times was the act of marking criminals and outlaws. This inspired us not only to create some bitchin video game style artwork for this Fight Soap, but we also wanted to go against the grain for the formulation and active ingredients.

Every combat athlete soap in the market basically has the same boring active ingredient, australian tea tree oil. Irezumi Fight Soap contains zero tea tree oils, but instead uses guava leaf extract (that we processed ourselves), and bamboo extract. Both ingredients have been shown to have extremely potent antibacterial and antifungal qualities in clinical studies.

This allows individuals with tea tree oil allergies to use a Fight Soap that is no less as potent and effective as our other offerings. No other product like this exists and we are stoked to make this available to the masses. Mixing up active ingredients also helps reduce the chances of bacteria becoming resistant to common antibacterial substances.

Irezumi isn't a slouch in the scent department either. We went with the dark mysterious Asian feel and came up with a deep wood fragrance that has hints of musk and citrus notes. It smells really good like a bottle of expensive cologne.

This is going to be a limited release so grab it while you can homies.
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fight Soap Girl Throwback

Here's the first Fight Soap Girl photo we ever published featuring Jessika H. God bless her for rocking a Fuji BJJ gi that paved the way for this rest of the FS Girls.
Twitter @realfightsoap
Instagram @fightsoap

Edith brings back sexy memories of the UFC

Do you guys remember UFC ring girl Edith? We do! And to celebrate such sweet memory, here's a video for ya.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Ultimate Shower Gel Phuket Mix Winner is...

We had to pick from over 100 of our awesome Facebook fans who just wanted to say, "Phuket, just give me the damn shower gel." and this individual's lucky stars happened to be aligned at d-day:

Hey Sean, shoot us an email with your mailing address to Congratulations homie.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beast Mood Inhaler Testers Wanted

So how does a fucking soap company get into the the business of performance nasal inhalers? It was completely by accident (or perhaps by destiny). Here's how it went down:

At Fight Soap, I would jump in and help the production line make soap to fulfill orders. As business grew I found myself making soap batches late at the night to keep up with demand. I noticed that depending on what I was making, I found myself wide awake and unable to sleep when I came home. As it turns out, sniffing on pure essential oil vapors were re-wiring my brain to keep me up and alert. These impromptu aromatherapy sessions at the labs lead me to do more research and create our Beast Mood Nasal Inhalers. These damn things work. That's all I can say!

So we want a handful of our fans to try these out for yourselves. Unfortunately we have to up the ante a bit. At the time of writing, I have 2 BJJ champs using prototypes at the 2012 IBJJF World Championships. I also have  Strikeforce and Invicta FC level pro MMA fighters wanting to test. We have active duty officers, fitness professionals, and gym owners all wanting to test them out for us. See what we're getting at? It's serious business. No average Joes, no bullshitters. With only a limited amount of test samples, we can only hand these out to select individuals who will truly help us develop, the same way our current stable of pro athletes do. So if you're doing this just to get free product, stop being cheap and just buy one when they become available.

If you want to test out the Beast Mood Inhaler, send us an email at with the following information:

- Who you are, where you compete, and how well are you doing (fight records, achievements, ranks).
- Proof to verify your fight records (online ranks, videos, pics).
- Upcoming fights? Pro or Ammy? Upcoming tourneys? Federation or not?
- How you intend to test the product, under what environment, and how often.
- Your social media numbers (How many fans, friends, followers you have).
- If you actively run a blog or a website where you can share your experiences with the results.

If you fit the bill, we'll contact you and send you a sample.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And the winner of Jill's shirt is...

Brian Boushey. You lucky dog. Shoot us a message on our Facebook page with your address. Congratulations from all of us!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Proper Shower Routine for Fighters

Here's how to stab infection-causing germs in the face during your daily shower (before and after training).

Start showering with the hottest water temp that you can tolerate, at the highest flow pressure possible.

-  Heat not only helps kill bacteria, but it also loosens up all the oils on your skin that dirt and microbes cling on. Add this with some gnarly water pressure, you're basically powerwashing the hell out of your body. If you can tolerate saunas or getting punched in the face, you can deal with hot water. Don't be pussy and crank that heat up homie!

Scrub, scrub, and scrub with quality soap

- Scrubbing vigorously removes the nasties on your skin. Hospitals instruct all their employees to do this. Scrubbing is THAT effective and important to clean up. Loofahs or washcloths are optional. Your bare hands can produce enough friction to mechanically loosen dirt and germs as long as you put some work into it. Scrub for a few minutes, and not a few seconds!

Wash your hair!

- The girls who blew you off with this line back in the day were on to something. Wash your hair with shampoo and make sure you get some suds on to your scalp. You need to wash off all that oil where germs are lurking. Sure, this could lead to dry hair, but would you rather get staph instead? Think about it, Hansel.

Slowly drop the water temperature as you rinse

- Once you get a few minutes of scrubbing in hot water done, you can start cooling things down a bit if you want. This is a welcome treat especially during the summer months.

Always pay extra attention to how your shower. It's the last thing that stands between you and a potential infection. Can I get an Oss?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bar Rafaeli Makes A Common Dream A Reality

Tennis may not be your thing, but don't we have dreams like these often ? Isn't it amazing how science and supermodel Bar Rafaeli have seemingly tapped into minds to create such a wonderful scene that we can now play over and over again...

Respect your team. Practice good hygiene. Fight Soap for the fighters. Namaste bitches.

Friday, April 20, 2012

And the winner of FSG Jenna's shirt is....

Before we announce the lucky person who gets to take home Jenna's autographed Elevation Training Mask shirt (or whatever's left of it), let me show you the highly-advanced method that we used to select the winner.

First we printed the screenshot of the comment thread:

We then use some sick origami techniques to cover up the names:

We used some serious katana swinging action to cut up the bitch into individual entries: 

Put the entries in our magical bowl of knowledge and truth:

And we picked out our winner destined by the immortals:

Mr. Richard Heather. You lucky dog. Congratulations homie! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Customer Review of Body Armor Barrier Foam

Shawn from Gracie Barra left us an awesome review of the Kappa Fight Soap and Body Armor Foam Sanitizer on Facebook:

Aight so today was my first LEGIT day of using both the body armor and the kappa soap I got from you guys and BOTH held up 100%. I mean I put on the body armor before I left out my house and let it set before I had class this morning and not only did it do incredibly well all through training but my wife LOVED the smell of it (so did I). The soap which I used just a little bit to see the smell before this morning was GOOD but I pretty much just washed my hands with it until I used if AFTER class in the shower this morning which now I feel Its pretty GREAT. It felt good, lathered good and smells really great. I thought it would smell more fruity and it doesn't its actually a semi sweet clean smell which is really awesome. I wanted to give you guys this feedback cause I'm really digging your products and I most DEF will continue purchasing them. Also I wanted to thank you guys again cause the body armor is really really an impressive product. Thanks again yo. HOLLA!

A Customer Review of Kappa Fight Soap

We love getting feedback on Fight Soap. Here's one from Kevin, who is one of our fans on Facebook:

Im not sure where to write you a review but... I want to say I got my kappa fight soap and I could not be any happier with such an excellent product, my skin usually gets dry from regular soap, and Im proud to say Fight Soap did not do this my skin felt soft and smooth, also I smelt like a damn G after training. But besides a great product Fight soap has great customer service, Im really satisfied with everything guys. Thanks a Billion!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We made full use Fight Soap Girl Amber's God-given attributes to drive an important reason why you should always strive to practice good hygiene. Every woman agrees with us too. Go ask them.

Use discount code FIGHTSOAPFAN for 5% off any purchase at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sexy Fight Soap Girl Suzan Leigh

Meet Suzan Leigh, our latest addition to the Fight Soap Girl team. Without a doubt, she looks damn good and sexy considering that she's in her 40's. She's also a proud breast cancer survivor, hence the Tap Cancer Out logo on her image. Total MILF status. Enjoy her photo homies: 

Use discount code FIGHTSOAPFAN for 5% off any purchase at

Finally, A Super Affordable Kick Ass Soap!

We make products that you want and need, homies. Per our conversations on Facebook, you wanted an affordable Fight Soap. We've worked overtime to make that happen. What you're looking at homie, is the result of many hours of research, crunching numbers, negotiating with suppliers, and product testing. It's a Fight Soap that may not have all the bells and whistles like the rest of our offerings, but its does the job very well and offers features that our competitors don't have at a much more affordable price. At only $3.99 each, this is going to bring combat hygiene to the masses. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An MMA Fight Soap For Women

The original MMA Fight Soap for women is back to wreak havoc on the funk and mat cooties. With the recent explosion of women's MMA (WMMA) thanks to the infamous Rhonda Rousey and Miesha Tate Strikeforce fight, and all the hype surrounding the upcoming Invicta Fight League, there was no better time to bring out the reformulated Vicious Vixen Fight Soap that women all over the world fell in love with. A couple of guys like it too, and there's nothing wrong with that. 

Hope you guys like the changes we made to our Vicious Vixen Fight Soap, and remember that we made it specially for all you ladies who are into MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiujitsu / BJJ, Krav Maga, Crossfit, Zumba, cardio kickboxing, Judo, Yoga, and everything else that keeps you sexy and in shape! 

Still and always will have love for the ladies. That's how we roll.

Pick up a couple of Vicious Vixens here

As a bonus, use discount code FIGHTSOAPFAN for a 5% discount! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Choking Game?

As I was going about my morning Fight Soap office morning routine, I came across this article in Yahoo news today. If choking people out is the new hotness, college students should seriously start looking into Brazilian Jiutjitsu or BJJ. Just saying.

A Great Self Defense Soap

Fight Soap as a self defense soap? Yup! Self defense classes are growing. We learned that Fight Soap products have become quite popular with  people taking up self defense classes, particularly women and young kids. Though classes may not be as rigorous as training in MMA or BJJ, the risk of getting skin infections are equally high. Good hygiene is a must nevertheless. We're glad that Fight Soap, is now being used a self defense soap.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Before Arianny Celeste, there was Rachelle Leah

Chances are that Rachelle Leah was your first UFC ring girl fantasy. If so, here's a throwback video to remind you of the good old days before Arianny Celeste came aboard and became your new obsession.

Use discount code ILOVEFIGHTSOAP you get 10% off your entire order at our online store from now to March 31, 2012.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

15,000 Facebook Fans And Counting!

Still blown away about the fact that we've already hit more than 15,000 fans on our Facebook page! This is a huge achievement given that we do not heavily advertise at all. All of our business comes from word of mouth, which we believe is the most legit advertising available. We took a different direction with our marketing campaigns about a year ago by focusing our money and efforts on creating awesome products instead of buying ads. It was a risk that paid off. We still have more fans than any of our attention whore competitors the last time we checked.

So bottom line is that we will continue rolling the same way, doing some sick research and development to come up with the Fight Soap fighter hygiene products that you love to use. Thanks for the support homies, we appreciate it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Leave Us A Note, And We Will Give You The World, Chico

Right before you guys shell out the cash on our online store's checkout page, you'll notice a little box where you can write down a note to the seller. Use it. Send us a short note. Anything funny, random, kudos, a weird request...whatever. Just write down something and we will reward you with a random freebie. Yup, FREEBIE.

Spring cleaning at our secret underground lab has turned up a lot of cool fight-related stuff from our homies in the industry. Got some stickers, shirts, discount fliers, furry little animals, and all sorts of other cool shit that we can throw in your packages just to get a smile or a chuckle from you. If the note is extra awesome, we'll personally make you a something equally awesome.

If you're lucky to get something other than the mighty Fight Soap fighter hygiene goodies you ordered, post a pic of them on our Facebook page. This is going to be a riot.

Muay Thai Flavor In The Fight Soap House

Before he went back to Thailand, our Muay Thai coach gave us this charm that's supposed to protect the owner from harm. With all the shenanigans this guy got himself into and out of, it must have some serious mystical powers. Whatever it does, it serves as a great inspiration for a couple of products we have in development. 

And that homies, is part of the process of how we bring you the products that you just love to use.   

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Fight Soap That Kicks Your Senses In The Face

I think I've created a monster. This is really all that I have to say as I write this post at 3 am and simultaneously posting on Facebook about the effects of the Miesha Tate / Rhonda Rousey Strikeforce MMA fight to women's MMA in general. I am wide awake and my senses are functioning as if it were 8 am on a weekday.

A few hours ago I had an extremely long work day and fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. In the middle of the night I woke up in need of a hot shower. I used a new Fight Soap that I had been working on which was to be launched for St. Patrick's Day. I had formulated the soap to be a great way to recover from a hangover after a typical St. Patty's pub crawl or perhaps a hard training session (prior to the said crawl). It turns out to do way more than I had anticipated. Damn thing just gave my senses a kick in the fucking face and now I can't go back to sleep. This is some serious shit, homies.

I based this soap off of the wildly popular Mat Mojito, and tweaked the formula with some new herbs and fruit extract tricks that I've picked up from learning about ancient herbal medicine. These are the same herbs that are used in aromatherapy sessions to stimulate the senses, brain function, and even facilitate breathing. Imagine how these could help you prior to training. Imagine getting all this from taking a nice long hot shower.

We'll be releasing this soap for St. Patrick's Day for you to try out. Let us know what you think and how it affects you. Once this batch runs out, we'll work on improving the formula even more and unleash it again in the near future.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

And the winner is...

The lucky winner to take home an awesome out of print BJJ Weeky shirt is Tammy Galley Jones!

As promised, all of you guys are winners because when you enter code ILOVEFIGHTSOAP you get 10% off your entire order at our online store from now to March 31, 2012.

Thanks for all the support homies!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fight Soap Fight Gear Giveaway!

We came across a box that had some cool stuff that our homies at had sent us a few months ago. It had a few out-of-print Ramones inspired BJJ Weekly shirts. This shirts look absolutely ill, and are collector's items. You know, the stuff that causes riots sort of collector's item. Guess what, we're giving away one of these shirts to one lucky person for FREE. No purchase necessary. We will ship the prize to anywhere in the world too. This contest is open to anyone, because we don't hate or discriminate.

So what do you need to do to join the contest? It's really simple homies. Like our Facebook page at (if you haven't) and post a comment on our FB wall. Tell us how Fight Soap products have made a difference in your training or fighting. Show us how much you love our products. Post a testimonial, give us some kudos, post a picture. Be creative. The coolest story wins, Hansel.

We pick the winner, and the winner will be announced on Monday March 5, 2012 here at the Fight Soap blog.

Winner takes home the shirt, but we promise that at the end of the giveaway EVERYONE of you will end up with something awesome. It's a win for'll see.

So go forth, and post something awesome. Good luck homies!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kappa Limited Edition Fight Soap

We finally released Fight Soap Kappa, our first art collab initiative with an artist like Meerkatsu. We can't be more stoked with the result. The damn thing looks, smells, and lathers like a champion. Kudos to Meerkatsu for coming out with some great work!

During the design process, we asked Meerkatsu if he had a particular charity that was close to his heart. One of the two charities mentioned was Tap Cancer Out. So we reached out and the project found a itself being part of a worthy cause.

We hope that you guys can support our little project. We started small but if the response to this is favorable then we'll do an even bigger one soon.

Grab these limited edition bars exclusively at

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Megan Fox Island Video

Kinda reminds us of attending a BJJ seminar run by a black belt imported from Brazil.

Speaking of which, Brazilian Bully is on sale homies! Grab one of our best selling Fight Soap bars at today!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Safeplace Donation Drive by the Girl in Gis Austin Crew

Our homies er...homiettes (?) from Girls in Gis of Austin Texas asked us to hook them up with stuff for their giveaway baskets. Check out the picture on the right to see the world famous Fight Soap bar in one of them. This is part of their whole donation drive that benefits SafePlace, which is a shelter for women. In attendance was BJJ Black Belt Fabiana Borges who did a cool seminar for the ladies. Glad to see some good deeds coming from the ever growing female legion of the BJJ community. Gotta say thank you to all of our customers who allow us to participate in projects like these. We got love for all the ladies (don't playa hate). Help us help others, by choosing the real name in combat hygiene - Fight Soap!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fight Soap Monthly Delivery Service for Fighters

Alright homies, let's make your lives much easier. Sign up for a monthly delivery of Fight Soap to your door and never ever run out of Fight Soap. All it takes is just a few clicks and billing is automatic just like your favorite porn sites. You don't have to worry about reordering your soap supplies, which let's you focus on training and macking all the ladies. We also made sure that you saved a good amount of money with this deal. You get 4 bars of soap for the price of 3. Our rocket scientists computed a savings of over $140 a year, and extra money is always good. We'll also make sure that we hook you up with all the new scents that we come up with, maybe some exclusives, some cool freebies? Let's do this!

Link to begin your adventure:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fight Soap is a Wrestling Soap

I was doing my usual rounds of checking up with our network of Fight Soap resellers when I can upon this interesting ad made by our homies at Beckman Wrestling in California:
Inspired by Wrestling, our Fight-Soap has been blended to pack potent ingredients
perfect for cleaning any and all grapplers. 
Fight-Soap contains a synergy of essential oils (including Manuka tea tree oil, litsea
cubeba, and eucalyptus) known for their antibacterial, antifungal, and deodorizing
properties. These give you the edge to help counter diseases like MRSA, Staph
infections, and Ringworm when you shower. 
Fight-Soap fights the funk with a subtle candy lime fragrance. All natural exfoliants
have been added to scrub away dead skin cells and all that nasty stuff you get while
rolling around. Fight-Soap then blasts you with a soothing sensation to help you
relax, recover, and ready to wrestle another day. 
When Wrestling, make sure you have Fight-Soap in your corner.
Also found this awesome quote:
The 1st period is won by the best technician. The 2nd period is won by the kid in the best shape. The 3rd period is won by the kid with the biggest heart.
- Dan Gable
(1972 Olympic gold medal winner,Univ. of Iowa Head Wrestling Coach 1977-2007 with a 315-21-5 record)

Glad to see that the wrestlers are now getting down with the Fight Soap combat hygiene program.

Got Ringworm? Here's a Quick Fix

Let's say you get hit with an infection like ringworm, or worse, staph. So what do you now? Chances are you're going to fire up Google or head straight to your favorite MMA or BJJ forum for advice. The remedies that you are going to find on the internet range from OTC drugs to witchcraft. People will claim that their chosen methods work, and that they've been doing it for years. Problem solved right? Wrong.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Arianny Celeste FTW

No self respecting blog that features women from MMA won't be complete without a post about UFC poster girl Arianny. Enjoy your weekend homies.

Get 5% off every order at with discount code: FIGHTSOAPFAN

Awesome Grappling Comparo Article

Our homeboy Tyy of the BJJ Paperweight blog came up with this pretty sick article that outlines the similarities and differences of some popular ground fighting arts. Such knowledge not only impresses the ladies, but the article will help anyone to effectively blend in these techniques for that mundial-winning performance we all strive to have. Click the link below full article.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

BJJ Gear Junkies Review Fight Gear Spray

The BJJ gear junkies at who are absolute junkies when it comes to BJJ gear gave our Fight Soap Fight Gear Spray a shakedown run. Looks like we got their seal of approval as they find that our magical spray is, "Super powerful, easy to use, and seems to work." - Right on the money if you asked us.

Full review can be read by clicking on the link below, homies.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Buying Fight Soap Helps Children in Need

Got a nice automated thank you letter from UNICEF today for the donation that we made around Christmas time last year. This helped the children of the Philippines who were affected by massive flooding. This donation could not have been possible if it were not for the support of all our customers. Thank you for all the business, and be rest assured that we give back a portion of our profits to various charities.

Free Tip for a Cleaner and More Epic BJJ Kimono

Here's a simple tip for a cleaner and fresher smelling BJJ Gi - Dry it outdoors.

This is different from simply letting it air dry indoors. Outdoor, you're letting the sun's rays unleash some whoop ass on odor and disease causing bacteria still lurking within your freshly-washed gi.

There's just something about laundry that's been hung out to dry in the sun. You know what I'm talking about if you've ever worn something that's been dried on a good old clothes line. It just seems to be cleaner.

Give it a shot with your smelly gis, MMA shorts, and even rash guards. Make sure you watch out for shrinkage as you would when you put a gi in a mechanical dryer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Booty. It's What's for Dinner.

Start the week right with a home-cooked meal from Jessenia Vice:

Body Wipes are Unmanly

We've gotten a lot of questions from our fans about releasing our very own line of body wipes. The short answer is we could have, but opted not to. Here's a short story why...

I was one of those guys who always had a canister of wet wipes in my little gym bag. The antibacterial wipes were quite handy and made me smelling like a freshly cleaned baby's bum. I also trained at a gym that did not have any showering facilities, so being able to wipe all my exposed body parts down before heading home helped keep any bacteria on me at bay until I could shower.

I brought the wipes along with me to grappling tournaments. At one event, I was accompanied by a cute female friend of mine. She was kind enough to help record my matches on video, act as a profanity-laced cheerleader, and guardian of my belongings. I was tearing through my much bigger opponents in no gi, to the delight of the crowd. I knew I was doing good, and I was on top of the world. In between matches I would casually grab a wet wipe from my bag and proceed to clean myself at the sidelines. During one of my wipe downs, my female friend grabbed the wipe away from my hand and yelled, "Stop!". "Why?" I asked, and she looked at me with disbelief saying, "That looks so fucking gay!". She said it loud enough that people started looking at me in what seemed to be agreement, so I quickly put the wipe aside.

So here I am getting ready for my finals match, oozing with Brazilian Jiujitsu machismo, and a girl's telling me that despite all of that...she thinks that my actions were less than masculine. That's fucked up. Seriously fucked up. How would you feel if you were called unmanly in the middle of a freakin' testosterone-fest known as a grappling tournament?

I went home with a medal around my neck but the thoughts of being called unmanly for using a body wipe however, has left me scarred for life. It bothered me a lot because she was right. I was the only one who was wiping himself down after every match. Cleaning up was the right thing to do, but like my friend said, it did look unmanly. When was the last time you saw someone actually wipe themselves down at a comp? Very rarely...unless it was me you saw back in the day.

This is why Fight Soap has yet to release it's own line of body wipes for MMA, BJJ, and other combat sports.

We could have simply asked a private label manufacturer to saturate a bunch of generic baby wipes with tea tree oil, slap our logo on the can, and call it a day. That's what other companies do. We however opted to take a different and more effective route for instant combat cleansing. We're Fight Soap after all. Our design team eventually came up with the Body Armor Foam Sanitizer which has none of the inconveniences that I had experienced using wipes. It's discreet to use, takes up less bag space, and its effects last longer than the average body wipe. There are no used wipes to dispose, which is good for the environment.

Most important of all, I personally made sure that the Body Armor Sanitizer is a 100% manly product.

So the next time you pull out that body wipe. Think about my story.

Will it really be worth it, macho man?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Motivation for the Fighter

Great video that we found making its rounds in social media. Fight Soap was started with $20 at the peak of a recession. All that fueled us was a dream and a passion to make a difference in the fight world.

Dream. Believe. Achieve. It can be done, homie.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life Oil for the Fighter

Sea Buckthorn Berry (Hippophae Rhamnoides, for you geeks) may end up in an upcoming Fight Soap really soon. It’s mentioned in almost every classic medicinal book spanning from Greece to Tibet. It also makes the cut because it has a kick-ass name, the ancient Greeks say that Pegasus loved eating them, and the mere fact that it's loaded with good stuff for healthy skin has been determined by science.

The fatty berries from this pirate-sounding shrub yield an oil so rich in vitamins, acids, and carotene that it’s been nicknamed the "Life Oil". It’s been used as a traditional remedy for healing the skin and believed to have amazing anti-aging properties. Think of it like an orange-colored Acai berry that has Asian roots.

So will a younger and more youthful-looking you translate to sicker fighting skills? Maybe not, but this key ingredient may help in the process of the skin repairing itself after all the cuts, scrapes, and mat burn we subject it to in combat sports. It could help you stay healthy enough to train and fight for more years to come.

The high-grade batch of Sea Buckthorn oil sourced all the way from the far east was hard to find and very expensive, but we believe it’s going to be worth it. It’s easier to use than some of the essentials oils we’ve come across in the past. We’re at the point of figuring out the optimal amounts needed in a bar of soap to make it effective. After that it’s all about finding which essential oils will work with this new oil for that killer combo. Excited? Yup, we are too.