Thursday, January 26, 2012

Got Ringworm? Here's a Quick Fix

Let's say you get hit with an infection like ringworm, or worse, staph. So what do you now? Chances are you're going to fire up Google or head straight to your favorite MMA or BJJ forum for advice. The remedies that you are going to find on the internet range from OTC drugs to witchcraft. People will claim that their chosen methods work, and that they've been doing it for years. Problem solved right? Wrong.

If you asked any of us at Fight Soap what to do, our answer is going to be simple:

Go see your doctor. NOW.

What we can tell you from our experiences working in the medical field is that the skin infection you have right now could have serious consequences if left untreated, or mistreated. What you have isn't a fucking mosquito bite that will simply go away over time with some ointment. There are many factors including allergies, drugs that you're currently taking, and current health conditions that determines what specific treatment should work for you. There is no single cure because conditions in every person vary. This is why you need the help of a professional, and get it as soon as you discover symptoms.

Don't have health insurance? Go to your local community center. There are many ways to get free, if not affordable medical treatment. Ask your friends if they know people who can help you. I train with people whom I didn't know at first were healthcare professionals until I asked. If you can save money to buy that sweet limited edition gi, you can set money aside for medical care.

Finally, always remember that these infections are highly contagious. You could pass it on to people other than your training partners. Can you sleep at night knowing that you could endanger the health and life of your loved ones, just because you wanted to save a few bucks from treatment? We didn't think so either.

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